Our Lady and the saints

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Most of these titles can be obtained from Gracewing publishers: www.gracewing.co.uk
  • Daily, Daily Sing to Mary

    Every day of the year is a day for the Lord, but also for His Blessed Mother, Mary.

  • The Mystery of Mary

    In this book, the author offers a clear and structured overview of theology and doctrine concerning Mary set in a historical perspective.

  • Il mistero di Maria

    ci propone una panoramica chiara e strutturata della dottrina e teologia circa Maria, in una prospettiva storica.

  • Teresa Helena Higginson

    Lady Cecil Kerr’s account of the Venerable Teresa Higginson remains the standard biography.

  • Teresa Helena Higginson

    Ella ricevette da Dio molti doni, quali il dono delle guarigioni, della profezia, della bilocazione, le stigmate e giunse alle nozze mistiche.