Science and Religion
Most of these titles can be obtained from Gracewing publishers:
The Tiara and the Test Tube
An analysis of historical data shows that modern science developed in the medieval period against a background of Christian faith in the creation.
Creation and Scientific Creativity
The first systematic treatment of those ideas in Father Jaki’s now more than five-decade-long studies that have earned him the highest forms of recognition.
Creazione e Creatività Scientifica
Questo libro tratta il rapporto fra la fede cristiana in Dio Creatore e la scienza moderna, in uno studio di frontiera.
The Mystery of Reason
depicts how Christian faith is reasonable, and is neither blind nor naked.
Il fascino della ragione
Senza ragione, il credo degenererebbe nel fondamentalismo: ma senza fede, il pensiero umano può restare incagliato sullo scoglio della propria autosufficienza.
Foreword to Stacy Trasancos, Science Was Born of Christianity
The author argues that only in Christian nations were the circumstances right for science to progress to the point it has today.